Frederiksbjerg Dagtilbud Pedagogue International Day Nursery - Aarhus


BEMÆRK: Ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

The International Day Nursery, Aarhus is looking for an early childhood educator (25 hours/week), who wants to be part of creating a high-quality learning environment, where English is the common language for children, parents and staff. The international day nursery is for children aged 0-3 years and is based on the Danish day care tradition and has ‘The strengthened pedagogical curriculum’ as a framework for the pedagogical practice. 

About the job
The International Day Nursery is the first of its kind in Aarhus. Oral and written communication is in English, and the same applies to practice, which is why candidates must be able to communicate effortlessly in English.

You will be part of a team with 3 other early childhood educators and 2 assistants. As part of this team, you will have the opportunity to influence the pedagogical learning environments and make your pedagogical mark on the daily routines and create a welcoming and educational environment. The pedagogical leader of Vuggestuen Marselis Boulevard holds managerial responsibility for The International Day Nursery, but there is also a department manager, who shares responsibility on a number of areas. 

We are looking for an early childhood educator with a development-oriented approach to working with children as well as collaboration with parents and colleagues, from many different cultures.

Your job will be to create inclusive learning environments and frameworks, ensuring an everyday life full of content, development, security and care. 

You need to work well in a team as well as independently, taking initiative and creating activities. 

You must be able to make use of your own skills and reflect on your own practice as well as that of your colleagues, with a focus on common learning - “What do I need to learn so that the child can learn” (SLF).

You must be open and willing to collaborate with parents who are unfamiliar with the Danish culture and day care system.

Personal qualifications

You are a trained educator, with a strong professional background, and can implement and evaluate pedagogical work. 

Proficient in oral and written communication in English, including in relation to pedagogical practices. It would be an advantage if you can understand written and spoken Danish.

Willing to learn about and follow the Danish day care tradition. 

Will work data-informed with the children's development in everyday life.

Essential to be familiar with or willing to learn to use Outlook, SharePoint and other digital solutions such as Aula that serve as our work tools and communication platforms. 

Communicate with authenticity, visibility and confidence. 

Able to provide guidance and support to nursery assistants, students, temp workers, etc.

Able to be flexible with regards to the operation of the day nursery.


Why choose us?
The International Day Nursery offers a unique chance to be involved in the continuous development of an English-language day nursery. The International Day Nursery is a part of a professional environment where ‘Den styrkede pædagogiske læreplan’ is put into practice using the pedagogical assessment framework Tegn på læring (Signs of learning). Frederiksbjerg Dagtilbud’s objective is to be a learning community with present and committed adults and where we attach a lot of importance to development and reciprocal feedback between colleagues. We therefore prioritise setting aside time to work on Aarhus Municipality’s Stronger Learning Communities programme. 

Salary and terms of employment

Salary according to agreement for educators, cf. agreement with BUPL

The position is at all times conditional on an acceptable public criminal record as well as a remark-free child certificate.

For more information
You are welcome to contact pedagogical leader Ulla Maarslet Kristensen,, 4185 7513 or Inger Barslund (Head of Day Care),, 2920 4518.

Application deadline 18. August 2023. Interviews will be held in week 34. 

Start-up on 16. September 2023, but we are also happy to wait for the right one.

About us
The International Day Nursery is located at Marselis Boulevard 50. The nursery is part of Frederiksbjerg Dagtilbud, which consists of a total of 9 departments. The nursery is divided into 2 groups with a maximum of 12 children in each group. The International Day Nursery and Vuggestuen Marselis Boulevard work together daily and cooperation between the two departments is of high priority. 

Om Aarhus Kommune
Aarhus Kommune er Jyllands største arbejdsplads. 28.000 professionelle og passionerede kollegaer arbejder hver dag for, at vi er en god by for alle. Som ansat i Aarhus Kommune gør du visioner til virkelighed og skaber udvikling, fællesskab og trivsel. Her er der respekt for faglighed, plads til mangfoldighed og mulighed for udfoldelse. Vi har ambitioner for byen – og for dig. Kom og vær med!

Leder- og medarbejderroller
I vedlagte link finder du de fælles Leder- og medarbejderroller i Aarhus Kommune:

De fælles leder- og medarbejderroller giver et blik på de forventninger, der stilles til dig, når du som leder eller medarbejder i Aarhus Kommune skal løse den fælles kerneopgave. Ved at synliggøre de forventninger, der stilles – om du er leder eller medarbejder – håber vi på, at vi sammen kan fastholde et godt arbejdsmiljø, en attraktiv arbejdsplads og en kultur med troværdighed, respekt og engagement




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Aarhus Kommune

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Aarhus Kommune, Marselis Boulevard 50, 8000 Aarhus C


Ansøgningsfrist: 18-08-2023; - ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

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Denne artikel er skrevet af Emilie Bjergegaard og data er automatisk hentet fra eksterne kilder, herunder JobNet.
Kilde: JobNet